Workplace investigation TRAINING

National Workplace Investigations, in collaboration with The Australian Institute for Security and Investigations Training (AISIT) provides practical accredited and non accredited training in the professional disciplines of security and investigations.

Developed and delivered by experts, the training courses at AISIT are considered amongst the highest quality delivered in Australia.

Investigation training & Courses

The team at National Workplace Investigations along with AISIT lecturers are academically qualified to provide accredited and non-accredited training in the principles of sound and reliable theories and contemporary workplace practices and actions. In combination, this provides access to unprecedented trainers who are experienced in their specific fields and the delivery of adult training.

Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct (Disciplinary) Investigations

Enrolment in this non-accredited course, Code of conduct (disciplinary) investigations, is designed for those who seek to conduct disciplinary related investigations on behalf of a third party or as part of their employment.

National Workplace Investigations Harassment & Bullying In The Workplace

Human Source Recruitment & Management Training

This Human Source Recruitment and intelligence training course is designed for people required to undertake recruitment and supervision of informants. The course is predominately relevant to organisations which utilise human sources (informants) to obtain intelligence on people or organisations they are investigating for regulatory, compliance or criminal offences.

Consulting services National Workplace Investigations

Bullying & Harassment Investigation Awareness Workshop

Enrolment in this non-accredited AISIT workshop, Bullying and Harassment Investigation Awareness workshop, provides managers and human resource professionals with an understanding of the investigation process to conduct triage and preliminary investigations into a complaint without jeopardising the overall investigation.

Tailored investigations - National Workplace Investigations

Investigative Interviewing - Entry Level & Advanced

The Entry Level and Advanced Investigative Interviewing courses are designed for those who seek to conduct interviews and where interviews may be used to support civil, administrative or criminal litigation. Conducting a well-planned interview with a witness or suspect can be a rewarding experience.

If you or your organisation requires tailored training across our courses please contact AISIT for more information on how we can help you.

The Australian Institute for Security and Investigation Training is the holder of a Security Master License Number: 000102538 and a Registered Training Organisation, RTO 41535.

Some of Our clients

Contact National Workplace Investigations to see how we can help you and your organisation with workplace investigations today.