Code of Conduct INvestigations

A code of conduct is a document written for employees which identifies the required standard of behaviour and informs the employees of an organisation’s expectations. Depending on the organisation, an employee may have acted or represented the organisation in such a way that is alleged to have breached the code and a code of conduct investigation may be required to determine whether their actions did amount to a breach of the organisational code of conduct.

Code of Conduct Services

Codes of Conduct are organisational standards of ethical behaviour and professional conduct which employees are expected to maintain internally during interactions with clients and partners, and at times, after hours. An allegation of a violation of the code means that a member of staff may have acted in a way contrary to the code.

Employee misconduct can include inappropriate behaviour, sexual misconduct, theft, fraud or assault, being intoxicated in the workplace or refusing to carry out lawful and reasonable instruction that is part of the employee’s contract of employment.

It is imperative that disciplinary investigations are conducted with integrity, fairness, impartiality and competence. Equally, an investigation scope and purpose (terms of reference) ensures that the investigation starts with clear, achievable objectives, eliminating investigation creep.  This applies to all code of conduct, reportable conduct, workplace bullying and harassment claims and cases.

Currently, National Workplace Investigations provides code of conduct investigation services to private clients including law firms, to more than 45 NSW Local Government councils, and to state, territory and Commonwealth Government organisations.

Some of Our clients

Contact National Workplace Investigations to see how we can help you and your organisation with workplace investigations today.